Welcome to our membership page:The Love Token Society was formed in 1971. Our annual meeting is held in January at the FUN show (Florida United Numismatists). We publish a bi-monthly newsletter called the “Love Letter” to keep our members informed. Included are articles about love tokens and their history. Occasionally creative imaginary stories are written about a specific coin with speculation as to its meaning and history. Feel free to read some of the past newsletter articles featured in the NEWS section of this website. Also contained in the newsletters are updates on club business, President’s reports, membership reports, reviews of coin shows, summaries of club meetings, and a question and answer column entitled “Ask Miss Love Token”. Love tokens are available for purchase through the newsletter. Some are offered at set prices while others are sold by mail-bid auction. The prices realized in prior mail-bid sales are also reported. LTS is also on Facebook and Pinterest, follow us there as well. Join: Annual dues are only $20.00 per year. A lesser cost e-newsletter delivery membership is also available for a reduced cost of $15.00. Or, consider a onetime cost of $200 for life membership (e-newsletter delivery). If you are interested in joining LTS you may submit your application online or by mail. Either way, Love Token Society Current officers:
Online Membership Application